This is my set of three project. The first cup is 4.5" by 3.5" and is yellow. The middle cup is 3" by 3.5" and it turquoise. The smallest cup is 3" by 2.5" and it tomato red. A new skill I was doing was making handles and attaching them smoothly. They all have glaze in the letters and the same color in the inside of the cup and the handles too. They have a unity, with the sizes growing in a consistent pattern. Heideman
This is my tall project, it is 5.5" by 4". It is narrow on the bottom and gets wider as it goes up. the base is 3" wide. It is yellow and red, with the yellow overlapping the red. I learned how to pull up steadily, by keeping my hands still and not making too many sudden movements to keep it from wobbling. It contrasting colors, a darker color vs a light color. Both are warm colors so it gives a lighter simpler mood. Heideman
This is my first plate project. It is 8.5" by 1.5 inches and it has a more bowl like shape to it with the sides being pulled up more. It is split 50/50 half green and half a tomato red. A new skill that was used was being able to keep the plate thin enough that it would not crack when being fired. It has a contrasting art element with the two different colors being put side by side. Heideman